Policies and Statements
Privacy Policy
Medical Students for Choice is committed to protecting the privacy of its donors, members, and staff. MSFC maintains records that include general information about its donors which may contain names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses where provided. Any information gathered from donors is for internal use only and is used solely for fundraising purposes and for cultivating relationships with donors. Donor information is stored on a secure, password-protected internal server. From time to time, Medical Students for Choice may change this policy. If we do, no personal information will be used in any new manner without first obtaining your consent.
When you enter our website, the only information we collect is that which is volunteered by you [e.g., donations, mailing list inquiry, meeting registration, etc.] We do not sell or trade any of this personal data, nor do we maintain any credit card information.
We may collect information that is not personally identifiable, such as “cookies,” to help us track and target the interests of our website visitors and to enhance the user experience on our site. This may include information about browser, page visits, and referring sites.
The information we collect (names, addresses, and email addresses) is stored in our database of supporters. This helps us keep you updated on MSFC efforts, related issues, and special announcements.
MSFC has appropriate security measures and audited internal controls in place to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information that we have collected at our site. Additionally, all credit card transactions are compliant with PCI DDS Security Standards and federal regulations regarding storage and use of credit card information.
Diversity Statement
MSFC believes that training a diverse and culturally humble physician workforce is essential to providing the highest quality reproductive healthcare to diverse populations and integral to eliminating the disparities in health and healthcare.
Sexual Health Statement
MSFC recognizes that sexual health as defined by the WHO is a basic human right. Upholding this right is implicit in our approach to promoting comprehensive reproductive healthcare. We believe that all people should have access to health services that allow them to lead safe, healthy, sexual lives consistent with their own personal and cultural values.