Fundraising allows MSFC chapters to host events, increase awareness, and send more students to our annual Conference on Family Planning! Developing creative ways to raise money can be fun and increase the impact of your work.
Download our Fundraising Guide for ideas about how to successfully raise money! Interested in fundraising for the conference, check out our Conference Fundraising Toolkit!
All funds will be held in your chapter’s trust account. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Crowdfunding online is a great way to reach beyond people you know personally. It also takes very little active time—set up the donation page, write something compelling, and share the link! Did you know you can fundraise for your chapter through Facebook? Additionally, you can use Crowdrise (similar to GoFundMe) to set up a campaign for your chapter. To make sure we know the donations are for your chapter, email us at to let us know whose name the fundraiser is under and the title (it helps if the title includes your chapter’s name!).
Have a Letter Writing Campaign
Set up a letter writing party and ask all chapter members to write letters to their family, friends, and professors; as well as alumni of your group. For MSFC letterhead, remittance envelops, and advice, email us at Here is a Sample Solicitation Letter to help you get started.
Get In-Kind Donations from Local Businesses
In-kind donations are non-cash gifts to your organization (food, materials, lecturers, etc.). They are a great way to engage your local community while also securing free or discounted goods for chapter events. Many local and chain delis, bakeries, grocery stores, and restaurants will be happy to support your work by providing food for your next event. Remember to bring a solicitation letter with you when you make these asks. Here is a template to get you started: In-Kind Letter Template.
Host a Fundraiser
You could sell:
- Candy and condom-grams for Valentine’s Day/National Condom Day.
- Coffee before 1st and 2nd year morning lectures (get coffee donated from a local cafe or on campus coffee shop).
- Baked goods (many bakeries will donate “day old” goodies).
- Exam stress kits (bottled water, popcorn, chocolate, energy drinks, condoms etc.).
- Pro-choice pins and/or lapel pins.
- MSFC t-shirts! (If the shirts have our name/logo, please send the design to students@msfc.orgto be approved before you order them.)
You could plan an event like:
- A happy hour at a local bar—arrange for a percentage of the proceeds to go to your chapter.
- A collaborative fundraising event with other student groups or local pro-choice organizations.
- A Trivia Night with questions about reproductive topics with inexpensive gag gifts or donated prizes.
For more information on fundraising or to tell us about a successful fundraiser, please contact