MSFC in the News
As Restrictions Complicate Abortion Training in Medical Schools, Papayas Are Filling a Gap
Feb 21, 2023 | By Sara Hutchinson in Teen Vogue
This article was originally published in Teen Vogue on February 21, 2023. You can access the original article here:
During a manual vacuum aspiration, or MVA, a physician applies local anesthesia then inserts a small manual suction device into the uterus. Once safely inserted, the physician pulls back on the device to remove the contents of the uterus. The entire procedure typically takes no more than 15 minutes.
“Obviously you don’t want anybody’s first time doing this to be on a human being, right?” said Burgess, who is also a co-leader of her campus chapter of Medical Students for Choice. “So the most common way that we practice is actually with papayas.”