MSFC in the News
There’s An Abortion Provider Shortage Across The U.S. Here’s How We Address It.
Nov 18, 2021 | By Garnet Henderson in ELLE
Featuring MSFC Executive Director, Pamela Merritt.
Alsaden said the organizations that accredit medical schools and residency programs should do more to require and standardize abortion training. “I would love to see it be more challenging to pursue a medical degree while trying to avoid abortion training than it currently is to get training in abortion,” said Pamela Merritt, executive director of Medical Students for Choice. She said accreditation standards should specify how many hours of abortion education a medical student needs. “Medical schools are part of big university systems, and accreditation can incentivize them to hold the line and flex some of their power, rather than take the path of least resistance and cave to this empowered minority that is about to make it very dangerous to be pregnant in the United States,” Merritt said. State governments can help with this, too. California, for example, has a law requiring that OB-GYN residency programs adhere to the ACGME requirements.