MSFC in the News
What the End of Roe v. Wade Will Mean for the Next Generation of Obstetricians
May 31, 2022 | By Emma Green in The New Yorker
This article was originally published in The New Yorker on May 31, 2022. You can access the original article here:
Featuring MSFC Founder, Jody Steinauer, MD, PhD.
For a long time, Cara Buskmiller has known two things about herself: she wants to deliver babies, and she is called by her faith to a lifetime of virginity. Growing up in nineteen-nineties Dallas with six younger siblings, Buskmiller knew a little about pregnancy and birth, and was interested in medicine. But she truly decided on obstetrics in the seventh grade, after touring an ob-gyn’s office with her Girl Scout troop. She saw posters promoting contraception on every wall—something her parents, devout Catholics, had taught her was wrong—and she thought, Oh, my gosh, I have to become an OB to combat this! […]
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