MSFC in the News

With Roe v. Wade on the Line, BU Will Continue Abortion Education Regardless of Ruling

Jan 28, 2022 | By Rich Barlow in BU Today
This article was originally published in BU Today on January 28, 2022. You can access the original article here:

Featuring MSFC Board Member, Rose Al Abosy.

Long before the fracas over Mississippi and Texas, schools tiptoed gingerly around abortion, with more than half declining to offer any clinical training, according to one survey. Even MED’s curriculum, while bolstered from years ago, could be better, says Rose Al Abosy (MED’23), a board member of Medical Students for Choice, a Philadelphia advocacy group with a MED chapter.

Clinical exposure is haphazard, Al Abosy says: “I was assigned to BMC for my third-year clerkship. I actually just finished OB-GYN. And I did not see an abortion procedure. I was just never assigned to the abortion clinic.” She witnessed the procedure only because Medical Students for Choice runs an immersion program at BMC’s clinic, where a student can “provide emotional support to those patients, should they want that,” she says.

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