Reproductive Justice is Black History
In 1994, Black women coined the term “reproductive justice” as a way to fold their lived experiences and intersections of identity into a framework for justice, not just abortion access. ...
By MSFC Staff
The education medical students receive should not be limited by where they attend school. MSFC student leaders utilize their organizing power to increase access to reproductive health care and become …
Sara Sotiraks, Ciara Black, Sara Bocchinfuso, and Madeline Chidiac of Trinity College Dublin developed a student survey that could potentially identify gaps or inconsistencies in family planning curricula and teaching …
It’s official. The Supreme Court of the United States has overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. We are as outraged and heartbroken as you are. While we …
What made you want to start a regional website on abortion access? The University of Washington School of Medicine has 6 campuses across the 5 state region, Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, …
This unique educational opportunity offers medical students the opportunity to learn about abortion from family planning experts in a small group virtual environment using independent learning, interactive lectures and sessions, …
This session on providing safe abortion in rural and low-resource settings explores service delivery bottlenecks and discusses ways to expand access to safe abortion by highlighting innovative success stories enabling …
As in 2020, in 2021 the COVID-19 restrictions continued to negatively impact MSFC’s capacity to administer the Abortion Training Funding Programs—the Reproductive Health Externship (RHE) for medical students and the …
Many of the recent abortion restrictions limit access to abortion training and education, making MSFC’s work more essential than ever. MSFC is working to create well-trained, empathetic physicians who can …
First published in September 8, 2016. As a first year medical student, I let my doubts get in the way of my education. I was intrigued by the idea of …