Reproductive Justice is Black History
In 1994, Black women coined the term “reproductive justice” as a way to fold their lived experiences and intersections of identity into a framework for justice, not just abortion access. ...
By MSFC Staff
As a medical student rotating through one of the largest public safety-net hospitals in the nation, I often witness the intersection of social injustice and health in communities, particularly communities …
As abortion access around the world is impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, MSFC chapters have risen to the challenge to serve their communities. From providing childcare to healthcare workers, to …
Papayas can be named by color: green papaya, golden papaya, “sunrise papaya”. Sometimes they are named by origin: Hawaiian papaya, Mexican papaya, Brazilian papaya. Sometimes—innocently—they are just named “papaya”, and …
As states hostile to abortion continue to increase regulations and place heavier burdens on patients trying to access abortion care, the services abortion funds provide are becoming even more important. …
I saw my first D&C as a pre-med college student, who had been newly introduced to the possibilities of ob/gyn. Despite being pro-choice, this experience deeply affected me and made …
As abortion becomes more restricted in the United States, medication abortion has become critical in the fight for abortion access. Medication abortion, or the “abortion pill”, is a combination of …
Reaching Young Doctors from Around the World Through Student Activism Paul Mulyamboga is a 4th year medical student and MSFC chapter leader at St Augustine International University in Kampala, Uganda. …
In the US, recently passed abortion bans in 9 states have finally awakened the national press and the general public to the dire threat facing legal abortion. For those of …
The appointment of Judge Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court last fall means that the balance of the court is now prepared to restrict abortion access and potentially overturn …