Asha Lindsey, MS, rising M4 at Meharry Medical College
What drove you to get involved with MSFC?
I would have to say my past work experience at a reproductive health clinic prior to coming to medical school. Gaining that first-hand experience in the field, I knew family planning and reproductive justice to be a part of my career, so I jumped on the chance to be involved with my school’s chapter as soon as I found out it existed.
What is the favorite part about being part of MSFC as a whole?
About a year ago, I was approached about joining a planning committee for a reproductive conference that would center Black and brown voices. A few months later, the UNMUTED webinar series was born, and being a member of the planning committee is hands down my favorite part of being part of MSFC. I love taking part in creating a space that centers and uplifts Black and brown voices while addressing the intersectionality of race, reproductive justice and family planning.
What has been your favorite event/chapter activity so far?
Easily our Inaugural Reproductive Conference this past summer, spearheaded by myself and fellow MSFC member, Karla Tytus. The virtual conference was a full day event with various sessions and speakers, rounded out with a virtual MVA workshop.
Do you have a favorite Reproductive Rights/Reproductive Justice/Social Justice quote?
“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”
― Audre Lorde
Do you have a favorite podcast?
Ratchet and Respectable by Demetria Lucas