Student Leaders
Becoming a student leader means you have stepped up to an important leadership position within our movement! It is an opportunity to make a change on your campus and to develop yourself and others as leaders while fighting for access to reproductive health. What you accomplish as a student leader is up to you and your chapter this year.
Student Leader Responsibilities:
- Commit to upholding MSFC’s values in your chapter work. MSFC believes that all people should have access to health services that allow them to lead safe, healthy lives including all aspects of sexual and reproductive health consistent with their own personal and cultural values. All social justice movements intersect and therefore achieving our mission requires working collaboratively to overcome all forms of oppression.
- Distribute appropriate information about MSFC programs, including online webinars and events, the Conference on Family Planning, Reproductive Health Externship, and more. As the chapter leader, you are responsible for ensuring your membership receives this information by forwarding emails from HQ and spreading the word. We’ll make it easy by providing promotional materials and emails. Help make sure your student body has access to all MSFC’s program offerings.
- Host educational events for your campus on abortion, family planning, and reproductive justice that uphold MSFC’s values. MSFC has plenty of resources on event planning, for online and in-person events. The Student Organizing staff is available to answer questions and to give guidance and support.
- Be an advocate for abortion access. No matter where you are, but especially if you reside in a region that has heavily restricted or banned abortion, advocate for increased abortion access. Educate yourselves, your chapter, and your community on abortion, or attend rallies or other advocacy related events.
- Complete the Student Leaders’ Survey 2 times a year. Twice a year, you will be asked to fill out a brief survey (about 5-7 minutes) detailing the MSFC activism on your campus. This info is used to monitor the health and growth of our grassroots. Our program staff uses this data to tailor our programs to better serve you.
- Identify new leaders and transition leadership in the next year. Make sure your chapter stays active and continues your work.
MSFC staff are here to help you complete these responsibilities and achieve your goals.